15 Best Autumn Produce To Enjoy This Season

Autumn brings a bountiful harvest of healthy and delicious products, such as apples, pears, and sweet potatoes. The cool temperatures during autumn is ideal for baking, stewing, or braising; cooking methods that you probably shun in hot summer weather. Autumn brings seasonal goodies like squash, cranberries, crispy apples, and juicy pears.
Buying fruits or vegetables when they are in season is the best way to ensure that you get more nutritious produce. However, you can use dehydrated or freeze dried products all year long, because they are harvested at their peak maturity and freeze dried or dried to prolong their shelf life. Make the most of autumn produce in the market this season with this guide for buying the best autumn produce.
Apple is delicious autumn fruit that is rich in antioxidants and essential vitamins like vitamin C, which slows down the aging process and reduce the risk of cancer.1 Apples are good sources of fiber, vitamin B6, and manganese. Use apples to make jam, in desserts, or eat them as a snack. Buy apples that are firm and have no bruises or blemishes. Once you’ve purchased them, let the apples soften at room temperature, then store them in the refrigerator for two to four days.
Cruciferous vegetables
Cabbage is rich in vitamin A and vitamin C and also contains glucosinolates, which have cancer-fighting potential.2 Other cruciferous vegetables with the same benefit include Brussels sprouts. These vegetables are low in sodium and cholesterol and have low caloric value; they are a good source of dietary fiber, vitamin C, and folate.1 Buy cabbage that has firm and dense heads. Their leaves should be crisp and have no blemishes, cracks, or yellow patches, which are signs of decay. Store cabbage in perforated plastic bags on the lowest drawer in the refrigerator for up to one week.
Buy Brussels sprouts that are firm and with bright green heads. Buy Brussel sprouts with their stalks so that they can stay fresh for longer and avoid those that have yellow outer leaves. Store them for up to one week in the refrigerator in plastic bags. You can use Brussels sprouts in salads, roast them, or add them to sauces.
Squash has beta-carotene, which promotes good eyesight. It is also rich in vitamin C and low in sodium, fat, and cholesterol.1 Buy squash that is firm and heavy for their size and free from spots, wrinkled skin, or cracks. Store squash in a cool and dry area away from heat and sunlight for up to three months. Use squash to make soups or add them to the main dishes.
Broccoli is a low-fat food abundant with vitamin C and folate. It is a good source of dietary fiber and potassium.2 When buying broccoli, check for bluish-green florets tight heads. You can refrigerate broccoli and use within five days. Broccoli is perfect for salads, soups, vegetable rice, or fried to make an omelet.
Cauliflower is plentiful in Autumn. Select firm and dense cauliflower with crisp leaves. Avoid cauliflower with bruises, blemishes, or brown spots. Store cauliflower in perforated plastic bags in the refrigerator for up to two days. Once cooked, you can refrigerate them in an airtight container for up to three days. It can be eaten raw or cooked. Add them to salads or roast them.
Beets are available all year round, but they are their best quality during Autumn. When shopping for beets, look out for firm bulb with bright green leaves. When you use beets to make salads, roast them to activate betaine, which is a compound that helps to prevent the risk of heart disease and liver issues. It also has nitrate, which increases the flow of blood to the brain and reduces the risk of dementia.2
Cranberries are abundant from September to November. Most of it is dried and canned or turned into juice concentrate. Cranberries are a good source of fiber and vitamin C. They have no fats or cholesterol and are low in sodium. Fresh cranberry juice prevents oral diseases and also slows down the growth of cancer. Cranberry juice concentrate helps to prevent urinary tract infections and can prevent recurrent infections in women.1 Select firm cranberries that have not withered and refrigerate them up to two months, or freeze them for longer. Use cranberries to make salads, guacamole, smoothies, or sauces.
Pears are excellent sources of fiber and contain vitamin C. They are free from fat, sodium, and cholesterol.2 Select firm pears and store them in a plastic bag at room temperature. To know if the pear is ripe, apply gentle pressure to the end of the stem with your thumb. If it gives in to pressure, it is ripe, and you can refrigerate them to slow down ripening. Eat pears whole or add them to salads, sauces, or fruit compote.
Sweet potatoes
Sweet potatoes boast a high content of vitamin A, vitamin C, and potassium.1 Vitamin A promotes healthy vision and healthy skin, especially for young children.2 They are low in sodium and free from cholesterol and fat. They are also rich in dietary fiber. Buy sweet potatoes that have firm skin with no cracks or blemishes. Store them in a cool and dark place and use them within three weeks. When possible, buy them shortly before you want to use them. Don’t refrigerate uncooked sweet potatoes because the cold temperature will make them toughen and affect their flavor. Their natural sweetness makes them great for desserts, but they can also be roasted, added to soup, or baked.
Pumpkins are an excellent source of vitamin A in the form of beta-carotene, which promotes healthy vision and growth of cells. They are rich in vitamin C and are free from fat, cholesterol, and sodium.1 Pumpkin seeds are rich in omega 3 fatty acids that are good for people with heart diseases, high blood pressure, or high cholesterol. Buy firm and heavy pumpkins and store them in a cool and dark place for up to two months.
Persimmons are rich in fiber, vitamin A, and vitamin C.1 They are free from cholesterol, sodium, and fat.2 Look out for smooth, bright, and plump persimmons that have their leaf still attached. Avoid buying them if they have cracks or bruises. If they have yellow patches the fruit is not ripe. Store persimmons at room temperature until they soften. Refrigerate ripe persimmons for up to three days.
Pineapples are rich in vitamin C, have low sodium content, and free from fat.1 Select pineapples that have dark green leaves and are heavy. Avoid pineapples with soft or dark spots, and if their leaves look dry. Eat ripe pineapples as soon as possible. Refrigerate cut chunks of ripe pineapple for up to three days. Use pineapple slices in salads, and add them to smoothies or fruit compote.
Pomegranates are an excellent source of dietary fiber, vitamin C, and vitamin K. They are rich in potassium, folate, and copper.2 They are free from sodium, cholesterol, and are low in fat.1 Select the fruit that’s plump, round, and heavy for its size. Store whole pomegranates in a cool and dry place for up to one month, or up to two months in the refrigerator.
Grapes are a good source of vitamin C. They are cholesterol and fat-free and have negligible sodium content. Select plump and firm grapes attached to the stem. Avoid wrinkled or soft stems. Store them in the refrigerator for up to a week. Add grapes to salads, smoothies, cocktails, sauces, or eat them as a snack.
Guava is an excellent autumn produce that is an excellent source of Vitamin C; it also contains potassium, vitamin A, folate, and fiber.1 It is free from cholesterol and sodium and low in fat. Buy guavas without blemishes and only those that give in to gentle pressure. Store them at room temperature until they soften. Refrigerate soft ripen guavas for up to four days.
Autumn does seem to have all the best fruits and vegetables that we do our best to eat year round. Eating these delicious fruits and vegetables not only benefit the body, but taste delicious, wonderful, and add variety to our lives and kitchens. If you’re unable to get any of these items or even are unable to rotate fresh produce through your kitchens and fridges fast enough, consider buying the freeze dried and dried versions of them to ensure that you get the best of autumn produce all year round, and to eliminate the need for worrying about rotting produce - Mother Earth Products.
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