Your Kids Might Be Sugar Sweet, But That Doesn't Mean They Need Any!

We are bombarded every day by ads, packaging, and peer pressure to buy sugary junk and eat it ourselves, or even worse, put it into our children's lunchboxes or give it as afternoon snacks. Sugary items are cheap to produce and have huge profit margins for the manufacturers and retailers both. The main problem is what it does to our bodies. The refined sugars have been associated with literally hundreds of health issues ranging from obesity and diabetes, to premature aging and acne issues. Not only does sugar cause challenges, it also replaces the good food. So, every time you give your child something sugary, instead of something loaded with nutrients, you damage them and deprive them of those nutrients at the same time. We have the solution so you can avoid it.
Here's How You Do It.
You substitute some of our amazing tasting freeze dried fruits for sugary products. Please feel free to be massively creative and come up with your own ideas. Here are a few that will definitely get you started.
1. If you want the fastest lunch snack, then grab a small amount of each of our freeze dried fruits and put them into one baggie together, and you're done.
2. Mix peanut butter with your favorite dried fruits, such as bananas or strawberries, and roll them into 3/4 inch balls.
a. Roll them in shredded coconut or shaved almonds, so you can handle them and they don't stick together.
b. Place them in the refrigerator and pull them out for snacks, school lunch food, and even as dessert.
c. They taste amazing, and they will be a hit with anyone who likes fruits and peanut butter separately, because together they are better than ever.
3. Add our freeze dried fruits to both your and your children's water bottles that you take with you to work and school.
a. You'll have great flavored water, and you'll be sneaking in extra nutrition and antioxidants into your bodies all day long as you sip on it.
b. Then, when you finish the water, you can eat the soft juicy fruits now, too!
c. A great high protein snack or meal that literally takes seconds to prepare.
4. Just add your favorite Mother Earth Products freeze dried fruits to cottage cheese or yogurt, and stir really well.
a. You can eat it fast so they stay just a little crunchy. Or, if you prefer, you can let it sit for a few minutes, and they will soften up quite well.
The main point is that you can easily switch out sugary junk from your diet and replace it with whole food goodness that will nourish and sustain you and your family instead of possibly causing disease and weight gain.
These ideas are fast, easy, taste great, and are unbelievably better for you. So, there's absolutely no reason whatsoever not to live a better life with virtually no extra effort required at all.
Go over to Mother Earth Products and get stocked up on your favorite freeze dried fruits now: Great Tasting Freeze Dried Fruits- Lauren Young
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