
Be My Healthy Valentine

Be My Healthy Valentine

It's that time of year when love is in the air. We are all looking forward to spring coming as fast as it can, so we can shed off the winter and head into summer.

We all want to be with that significant other who makes our heart go pitter patter. So, let's have a healthy Valentine's Day so we can keep our loved ones heart beating strong for many years to come.

So many people use the excuse of a little holiday, like Valentine's Day, to eat a bunch of junk and then beat themselves up later over it.

Sure you may get your love a box of chocolates, but for your Valentine's Day cuisine you want to show them you truly care by eating some super great tasting foods that foster better health and even more "loving energy" - if you know what I mean.

Go on over to Mother Earth Products and pick out your favorite foods. There's really no way you can go wrong. However, below we will lay out a fantastic multi- course Valentine's Day dinner that you can prepare with ease, truly enjoy and know you're fueling your activities for later in the evening.

There is just no sense in going out and eating a bunch of really bad food that will make you so tired you can barely keep your eyes open, let alone have any kind of a night you were both really hoping for.

Your Healthy Hearts Valentine's Day Dinner

This is going to be a super easy meal to prepare and one that you'll enjoy taking over an hour to eat together as you lounge away the evening.

The Appetizer

Start by melting just a little dark chocolate and stirring in a small amount of condensed milk. Some stores may call it evaporated milk. This will keep the chocolate nice and soft for dipping.

Get some of our freeze dried sliced strawberries and dip just a third of the strawberry slice in the chocolate and eat it yourself or hand feed it to your dinner date.

The taste of a strawberry and warm melted chocolate together is amazing. You'll have your taste buds firing on all cylinders and your brain loving it from the Theobromine in the chocolate, which is the reason people swear they feel better after eating it.

Only eat just a few so you can save your appetite for the other courses.

The Pre-Main Course

Next, have a bowl of Mother Earth Products' creamy potato soup or any of our original soup mixes, if you prefer. They are super easy to prepare, taste great and are light enough so you'll save room for your main course.

The Main Course

You can choose anything you like here, but a couple great choices would be to choose from some of our comfort food dinner entrees.

One choice might be our cheesy broccoli and rice, or another might be our creamy chicken and rice. They are both easy to prepare and will give you great long term energy, that won't leave you feeling tired and sluggish.


At this point, you may want to skip dessert because technically you had dessert first. Or, you may want to dip a few more dried strawberries into the remaining chocolate.

If you want something different for dessert a small amount of sugar-free pudding might be in order. The reason for sugar-free is you don't want to get sleepy as the sugar starts to wear off just in case you end up having a busy night.

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