
A Taste Of The Tropics Anytime

A Taste Of The Tropics Anytime

If you're like most people about this time of year, you really start to feel like winter has gone on far too long, and you are more than ready for summer to come.

Then, like many of us, you may have had more than just a few thoughts of life on a tropical island somewhere amazing. They always seem to put incredible pictures of white sand beaches and crystal blue waters on all the news sites right when you're in the middle of a deep freeze. Sometimes you have to wonder if they intentionally want to torture you.

The good news is that there's no reason at all to have to wait. You can dive right in with a taste of the tropics anytime you want. Plus, not only does it taste fantastic, it's fantastic FOR YOU as well.

Our freeze dried mangos will have your mouth watering with their incredible flavor impact and your body loving you for making such a healthy choice.

A Fruit You Should Eat Every Day

Just as an example: 100 grams of reconstituted mango (3.5 oz) has over 20 different vitamins and minerals, but yet only 100 calories.1 It contains 100% of your daily vitamin C needs, 35% of your vitamin A requirements, along with a host of other nutrients such as, Vitamin B-6, Folate, vitamin K, Copper, Iron, and Calcium. 1

As if that weren't enough, that small serving will also give you 3 grams of quality fiber, which you need to keep things moving properly as they say.

Both vitamin C and vitamin A are premier antioxidants that help guard your body from the ravaging effects of free radicals. Free radicals aren't leftover hippies from the 60's. They are nasty little uncharged molecules having unpaired electrons. They then rob your body of critically essential electrons in order to become paired themselves. This theft is incredibly damaging to your body and thought to be a major cause of premature aging.

How To Use This Delicious Powerhouse

Once you receive your freeze dried mangos, you can eat them by the handfuls of course, but there are some really tasty ways to make other things you eat even better while boosting their nutritional profile at the same time.

1. Sprinkle a healthy dose of freeze dried mangos over the top of cottage cheese for a tasty, super high protein meal or snack. If you like cottage cheese, this will have you loving it.

2. Sprinkle them over ice cream for a dessert topping that adds very few extra calories, but loads of flavor. Tip: Get our freeze dried pineapple pieces and at them to the top of the ice cream as well for a super taste explosion.

3. Add them liberally to rice you're cooking when you only have maybe 15 minutes left for it to cook. If you like curry or saffron, you can add one or the other after the mango rice is done cooking to give it that nice exotic extra kick.

4. Put them into a plastic sandwich bag and take them with you wherever you go. You'll have a great snack at your fingertips anytime you need it. Add our freeze dried strawberries, bananas and pineapple pieces to the baggie and take them to the movies. You get to avoid all that junk food they sell there, while getting a healthy boost of nutrients and antioxidants at the same time.

Once you start using your freeze dried mangos, they are so good that they will become part of your normal everyday eating routine.


1. http://www.mango.org/mango-nutrition

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