How to not look like the Turkey on Thanksgiving

Thanksgiving With Family And Friends Is Not When You Want To Run Out Of Everyone's Favorites!
The Holiday season is NEARLY upon us, and now is the time to stock up on all your best supplies. No one wants to be the one who doesn't have extras on hand in case more guests show up than you expected.
As you enjoy your food storage and your guests, please take the time to remember the less fortunate and partner with us to give Thanksgiving cheer to those who have not.
It happens all across the country. Every year, people pop in unannounced; they call and say; "Hey, do you mind if I bring the Smith's with me? I just bumped into them at the mall, and they would love to see you."
What are you going to do? Say no?
Then, the panic strikes, 'Oh crud! I don't have enough on hand, and the stores just closed.'
Never fear! That's why we're here!
We are giving you that helpful heads up like all good friends do, and let you know that with just a tiny bit of preparedness, we will have you covered.
It's super easy to make sure you're stocked and ready, so here are a few helpful hints to help you ensure you have everything you need.
Start with The Foundation
Make sure you have these tried and true staples on hand, and you'll be confident you'll have it covered.
- Sweet Potatoes. Always keep a stockpile of Dried Sweet Potatoes. When unexpected company comes and you don't have enough regular Sweet Potatoes, just rehydrate them, mix them in with the other mashed Sweet Potatoes with some honey, put some marshmallows on top, and melt and brown the marshmallows in the oven. No one will ever know, and you'll be 100% covered. Plus, it tastes unbelievable.
- Soups and Chili. If you ever get stuck needing to feed a few extra, start with a hearty soup. Why? Well, if you eat a big bowl of split pea soup or chili, you have a lot less room left for other foods, and so the amount you do have on hand will fill up a lot more folks.
Freeze Dried Salad Fruits. After your soup or chili, you can give everyone a salad, too. This extra course makes it look like you went all out.
When you add in freeze dried strawberries, pineapple and maybe a few blueberries, you turn an ordinary salad into gourmet. If you've ever been to a French restaurant, you know gourmet means smaller.
Now, you can stretch your salad and really look like you spent all day on it.
Some Great Unique Ideas to Have On Hand
Peanut Butter, Bananas, and Chocolate with a Twist. Take your favorite peanut butter and mix it with broken pieces of chocolate. You can buy blocks of milk or dark chocolate for a lot less than chocolate bars.
Now, put it in a serving bowl and put another bowl of banana chips right next to it. Your guests use the banana chips just like well… chips, and the peanut butter and chocolate just like dip.
One thing. You had better make enough and keep it for refills, or you will get asked for more of it - guaranteed.
Chocolate Covered Strawberries with a Difference. Go through your freeze dried strawberries and pick out 2 or 3 of the larger intact pieces per guest. Now melt a little milk chocolate in a pan. Use a pair of tongs and gently grab the top of one strawberry piece. Dip it 75% to 80% into the chocolate. Lay them on waxed paper and place in the freezer for 15 minutes to harden faster.
Always make a couple extra, because you are bound to break one or two (those are called Chef Snacks). Hey, you've got to sample your work, right?
When you serve dessert, put 2-3 on the rim of the plate in a nice arrangement as a garnish.
Your guests will love them, because the chocolate hits the taste buds first, then the concentrated freeze dried strawberry hits last and lights it up.
As an alternative, freeze dried pineapple chunks work great too.
Your guest will think they have died and gone to heaven, and you won't get caught in a bind with not enough for everyone. It's a true win win for both you and your guests.
- Tags: Thanksgiving
- Media Contributor
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