
6 Refreshing Drinks You Can Enjoy With Your Barbecue

6 Refreshing Drinks You Can Enjoy With Your Barbecue

Summer barbecues are a great chance to indulge in the festivities with your loved ones, and the best part is that it is summer. Whether you'll be spending it on the beach or on the grill, you will need ice cold refreshments. Here are a few cold drinks you can combine with your barbecues that you and your guests will enjoy.

Blueberry Lime Juice¹

Sip along this sweet and tart homemade blueberry juice. Blend the blueberries and add some lime juice. To garnish, place a few lemon rings on the glass and put a few berries in the glass. A sip of this gives you a touch of sweet and a hint of citrus - perfect for a hot day.

Tart Frozen Margarita²

For guests who want to step out of the comfort zone of fruit juices, this is a perfect drink for them. Make your homemade margarita mix and store it in the freezer the day before the party. Once the guests arrive, blend ice cubes and the margarita mix, whirl it on ice crush.

Watermelon Lemonade³

Watermelon is the perfect summer fruit. If you are craving a refreshing drink that is non-alcoholic this recipe is for you; the best part is that it will keep you hydrated. Blend watermelon and strain, and add some lime juice. Some guests can add gin to their drink if they want.

Pineapple & Rum

Soak pineapple chunks in sugar and hot water overnight in the fridge, and add lime water and rum. Lemon enhances the tartness of the pineapple; add some sparkling water and mix. Garnish with lemon wedges.  Our freeze dried pineapple chunks are perfect for this recipes after rehydrating with water.

Patriotic Ice Cream Jar

Your kids will love this colored ice cream. You will need vanilla ice cream, whipped cream, and blue and red food coloring. Don’t forget the sprinkles. Divide vanilla ice cream into three parts. Mix one of the portions with red food coloring, leave one uncolored, and the other one with blue, to resemble the national colors. Pour into the glass starting with white, blue, white, and then red. Finish with a topping of whipped cream and sprinkles on top.

Fruity Sangria

This sangria incorporates pineapple chunks, blueberries, and raspberries, and gives you a punch of healthy antioxidants.  Mix all the ingredients in a bowl. Squeeze in some lime juice. You can add some vodka or wine. If you want it alcohol free, add mango juice. Refrigerate for a few hours and serve in wine glasses.

You can prepare frozen cocktails with summer fruit or serve wine and beer with ice cubes. Remember the important thing is to have fun, relax, and enjoy the summer! Plan in advance to ensure that everything runs smoothly. Purchase our freeze dried strawberries, pineapple chunks, or any other fruit of your choice so you can exercise your creative muscles to make refreshing drinks for your loved ones.

  1. https://www.seriouseats.com/recipes/2013/02/homemade-blueberry-lime-rickey-drink-recipe.html
  2. https://www.seriouseats.com/recipes/2012/04/the-best-frozen-lime-margaritas-recipe-tequila-cocktail-for-parties.html
  3. https://www.seriouseats.com/recipes/2013/06/easy-homemade-fresh-watermelon-limeade-summer-drink-recipe.html
  4. https://www.seriouseats.com/recipes/2012/07/pineapple-rum-punch-recipe.html
  5. https://www.rd.com/food/recipes-cooking/july-fourth-drinks/

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  • Branden Evans
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