
Tips about packing for your next camping trip

Tips about packing for your next camping trip

When packing for your next camping or backpacking trip, keep these few tips in mind:

  • Store your tent, sleeping bag, and sleeping pad together in the same place so that it is easy and quick to grab.
  • Make a meal plan for when you are camping.  This will prevent over packing or not packing enough.  Keep in mind the kind of camping you will be doing when you are making your plan - backpacking will be much different than car camping. 
  • If you are bringing fresh veggies for your meals - chop them at home.
  • Always remember to stay protected against the sun and bugs.
  • Don't forget some medical supplies, just in case.
  • Pack medical supplies and personal supplies in one place so that if there is an emergency, you know exactly where to go to find the thing you need quickly. 

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