Super Foods That Can Help Heal Your Body

Science has come a long way over the years and has discovered quite a few super foods that help heal the body. Here are just a few.
Raw Honey
You know a natural product really has super healing powers when the government puts out a document saying so. (1)
Doctors, hospitals, burn treatment facilities all use medical grade honey to cover wounds to help with the healing and regeneration. (2) The real difference between medical grade and raw honey is they have simply cleaned it to a much higher degree and elevated the price by a few hundred percent.
Honey has some of the world's most amazing antibacterial and antimicrobial properties, maintains a moist wound condition, and its high viscosity helps to provide a protective barrier to prevent infection. And that's just when you apply it topically.
When you consume raw honey (more on that in the apple cider vinegar section below) the health and healing properties can be off the charts. Just wait until you see what Dr. D.C Jarvis of Vermont had to say way back when.
Raw honey contains enzymes, vitamins, minerals and at least 3 substances that we know exist, but don't even know what they are yet. Raw honey is so complex that our best scientists can't figure out what at least 3 of its components are. Honey is the only natural food known to man that won't rot. That in and of itself says a lot.
Since the dawn of time, people have used honey to help with just about every health challenge imaginable. There is little doubt that 1 tablespoon of raw honey will have a greater impact on the body's health than one of today's standard multivitamins that turn your urine neon greenish yellow from all the chemicals in it.
Apple Cider Vinegar
Patricia Bragg has been selling raw apple cider vinegar and espousing its benefits for years. Dr DeForest Clinton Jarvis (D.C. Jarvis) wrote a book back in 1958 called Folk Medicine that should be required reading by anyone wanting to understand natural healing.
In his book, he details the use of raw apple cider vinegar and raw honey as a treatment for so many things that it's easy to lose track. He would give it to horses that were eating the wood on their stalls, and they would stop that nonsense. They were just missing nutrients and their bodies were attempting to get it from the wood.
He used it to heal hot spots on many dogs’ skins, help break fevers in people, lessen the effects of arthritis, get people over all sorts of illnesses and many, many more.
Well, I've got a little recipe to share with you that I think you're going to love.
Make a cup of really nice green tea. If you don't like green tea, you may use warm but not boiling water. You after all don't want to cook these beautiful raw foods.
Add one tsp of raw honey, one tbsp of raw apple cider vinegar and a couple dashes of cinnamon powder to the green tea stir well and drink. If the beverage is too strong for you, cut back on the apple cider vinegar a little to taste, but the stronger the better.
Do this on an empty stomach and you have a nutritional powerhouse that you can feel working in your body almost immediately. Along with that combination, you can have a few dried apple or strawberry slices to really round out the nutrients and the intense flavors. In our opinion, this may be destined to become your afternoon treat, but one that's actually good for you.
As you may know, cinnamon has been shown in multiple research studies to help control blood sugars. (3) This will help you avoid that dreaded afternoon crash that so many people have.
Whether it be coconut oil, coconut milk or coconut meat, this is an amazing one seeded drupe (botanically speaking it's a one seeded drupe; however, it's also loosely known as a fruit, a nut and a seed).
One of the marvels of coconut is that it contains medium chain triglycerides that have shown to increase overall fat metabolism, provide a quick and sustained source of energy and improve skin elasticity and hair sheen. (4)
Lauric acid found in coconuts has a very strong antimicrobial property that has even been shown to kill Staphylococcus Aureus, which is a very dangerous pathogen to humans. (4)
Both the Kitavans and the Tokelauans, which are island peoples from the South Pacific, consume as much as 60% of their calories from coconut and have shown no evidence of heart disease. (4) You wouldn't normally think that a people who consume so much fat would not have heart problems, but they don't even have traces of it.
Coconut is a unique super food that one should incorporate into their diet as often as possible. It's just got too many benefits not to.
- Tags: health super food superfoods
- Media Contributor
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