Eating Healthy Resolutions that You Can Make For 2017

It’s the best time to make new resolutions. It’s the time to re-evaluate your life and your priorities and make the necessary changes. Don’t let this chance to tap into that power to make a change pass you. Here are some healthy resolutions that you should make in 2017. Pick one at a time, and stick to it. Before the end of the year, you’ll have achieved all of them. Here’s to your health!
Eat more colorful fruits and vegetables
It goes without saying how important fruits and vegetables are in our diet. They boost immunity, ward off illness, slow down premature aging, and prevent constipation.(1) The secret to enjoying these massive benefits is to select a variety of colors to have a perfect rainbow. Choose from different varieties of fruits and vegetables, from orange to yellow, red or green.
A specific resolution that you can make is to eat five portions of fruits and vegetables every day. Having a specific number makes it easy to take action track your progress.(2) For instance, you can eat an apple with cucumber at breakfast, banana and strawberries as a mid-morning snack, spinach at lunch time and eat lettuce or broccoli at dinner time with your meal. It’s that simple.
Keep processed foods out of your diet and LIFE!
Chips, soda, sugary snacks, and sausages need not be a part of your diet if you want to be healthy this New Year. They slow down your metabolism, cause inflammation, and invite a myriad of illness to your body, such as diabetes, cancer, and hypertension.(3) If you keep some of the unhealthy stuff close to your line of your sight, you may find yourself indulging in them without knowing.
Eat healthy snacks
Rather than eating three huge meals, indulge in healthy snacks. You can snack on handfuls of freeze dried fruits, such as strawberries, bananas, and mangoes. These will not only boost your nutrient intake, but will keep you from snacking on unhealthy foods and give you the energy boost that you need.(4) Instead of focusing on what to subtract from your diet, focus on what you can add.
Don’t skip meals, especially breakfast
People try to lose weight by skipping meals. Missing meals have dire consequences on your body. If you skip meals to lose weight you may lose a few pounds initially, but all that weight will eventually come back in the form of belly fat.(6) Furthermore, the weight that you lose by skipping meals comes back since you crave junk food. The majority of people who miss meals make up for it by eating junk food.(5) According to a study by Cornell University, 31% of people who skip meals eat more junk food when they shop while hungry, compared to those who had a snack before that.(6) You may feel fatigue and have reduced mental functionality because the body lacks the energy it needs. Every organ will be affected.(7)
Breakfast is the most important meal of the day because it helps to replenish energy, so your organs, like the brain, function better.(8) Skipping breakfast puts a strain on the body and can lead to insulin resistance and blood pressure issues. If you skip breakfast frequently, it increases your risk of certain diseases.(9) A study by Leah Cahill, Ph.D., from indicates that women who skip breakfast have a 20% increase risk of developing diabetes type 2.(7) In order to be healthy, you need to supply the body with healthy food, so it can get the correct level of nutrients to maintain its normal function.
Focus on health goal until you’ve made it a habit
For a healthy diet, you need to have a shopping and cooking plan. Will you eat outside the home? What will you cook every day? When do you buy groceries? You may have to keep off social engagements if need be.
We all know exercise is important. We have heard it many times. But have you been successful in your quest? The mistake that you make is that you want to do pushups, planks, sit ups, and crunches and still jog, run or swim.(5) Or rather you drastically change your diet, but have no plan. You create an impossible goal that you steer away from during the second week.
To ensure that you make resolutions that you can attain, ensure that you focus on one exercise at a time. For instance, when was the last time you ran? You can start the challenge by running for 20 minutes three times a week. Then, once you achieve it, you can then start swimming. Schedule time for exercise and block it in your schedule. Whichever aspect of exercise that you a decide on, be sure to focus on one thing at a time.(5)
Whatever resolutions you make, write them down on paper. People who write down their goals are more likely to achieve them.(5) Also, share them with your friends and family for accountability and support.(6)
At Mother Earth Products, we have been your supporting partners in nutrition and health by providing high-quality health products. In the coming year, we have introduced new products specially made for you.
- Lauren Young
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