
Recipes — Family Fit Lifestyle

Family Fit Lifestyle Month: 7 Health Resolutions To Pursue As a Family In January 2019

Family Fit Lifestyle Month: 7 Health Resolutions To Pursue As a Family In January 2019

Family Fit Lifestyle Month
Get you and your family off to the right start in 2019 with Family Fit Lifestyle month.

January is National Family Fit Lifestyle month. It offers a great opportunity to change the focus for the health of you and your family. Deciding to have an active and healthy lifestyle is never easy but making the decision and sticking to it is possible. While deciding to go vegan or running miles each day may be an easy resolution to make, sticking to it may prove to be a challenge. It  doesn’t make sense to make such drastic decisions, though, but adopting habitual changes will enhance your personal growth.

Setting family health goals caters to the needs of growing children. Parents are the role models for their children and can educate them on a healthy lifestyle; therefore, adopting healthy eating and regular physical activity is a great start to having a healthy family.

Here are some resolutions to make as a family in the Family Fit Lifestyle month in 2019.

Keep fit

Working out reduces the risk for chronic illnesses, such as hypertension and diabetes. The Center for Disease Control (CDC) recommends a minimum of 2.5 hours every week for adults and an hour every day for children.1 Regular physical activity helps you to get fit and for your kids to adopt healthy living that they will practice for the rest of their lives. It is also a great way to spend time with your family.

Walking is a simple way to get fit. Find a few minutes every evening to walk to the park or visit nature trails. Being outdoors is great for physical and mental health. Bike riding is another fun way to keep fit. Buy bicycles, plus helmets and reflective jackets, for you and your family. You can take quick rides in the evening or take longer rides during the weekend.

Swimming is also another great way to get fit Playing swimming games like Marco Polo or Sharks can make it fun. You can also play games in your backyard like jumping ropes, tennis, basketball, or soccer to get your kids moving.

Start a fitness challenge

Commit to a certain number of hours of physical activity every week and see your family’s health improve this year. The challenge can vary in length and difficulty depending on each family member. Go out for nature walks; great weather and fresh air is enough incentive to walk a mile more. Have a family walk on the weekend or in the evenings. You can make it fun by setting different fitness challenges. Instead of a family movie night, choose fitness night. Prepare chopped veggies and fruits as healthy snacks and dips, like low-fat yogurt. Exercise with a fitness DVD or dance the night away to your favorite music.

Drink water

Water hydrates the body, cleanses the system of harmful toxins, and makes the skin look great. Another huge benefit is helping you to lose weight, since water has no calories.2 Water fills you up and you won’t need to indulge in food. When you drink water instead of regular soft drinks, you also reduce your calorie intake.

Buy bottles for each family member and decide on the number of bottle refills to have in a day. Carry the water bottles to school and work. Colorful bottles are a great idea for young children..

Limit TV time

Most children spend more time in front of the television. TV and social media have taken a huge chunk of time during which children used to use to go out and play, and this can contribute to some kids being overweight. In the USA, 15% to 25% of school children are overweight. This increases their risk for heart disease, diabetes, and hypertension; moreover, only about half of Americans aged between 12 to 21 exercise regularly.3

Choose health this Family Fit Lifestyle month and limit TV time for your kids to about two hours of TV per week. Let them use the time to engage in physical activity, like cycling or playing soccer, tag, playing at the playground, catch, or family games in the backyard.

Include vegetables in your meals

Eating adequate vegetables with meals helps to prevent obesity. Vegetables contain fiber which is linked with less incidence of type 2 diabetes, cancer, stroke, and heart problems.The cost of treating these diseases is much more than purchasing vegetables on a regular basis. Choose healthy vegetables to include in your meals like cauliflower, broccoli, and bell peppers.

Take advantage of the Family Fit Lifestyle month to educate your children on healthy food choices. Go for grocery shopping together and discuss with them the different foods and give them the benefits of choosing healthier foods.

Eat 3-5 portions of fruits daily

Encourage healthy snacks like fruits and discourage high sugar snacking. Fruits are delicious and healthy and give you a boost of antioxidants and anti-inflammatory benefits. Eat a fruit with every meal to achieve the recommended fruit intake. Fruits like pineapples, strawberries, and citrus fruits are rich in vitamin C.

Wake up early every day

Hitting the snooze button always seems the best idea for a sleepyhead, only to regret the decision after being late for an appointment. Teach your kids to wake up early even during the weekends to get more done. A lot can be done in the morning, like exercising and cleaning.

Although January is Family Fit Lifestyle month, choosing a healthy lifestyle is a yearlong and lifelong commitment. Take time to teach your children early about healthy living so they can practice as adults.

Choosing nutritious foods and having regular physical activities will improve your family’s health and lifestyle. Teaching young children good lifestyle habits helps them to get started on the lifelong path of good health. Choose health this year and make not only January but all the other months your Family Fit Lifestyle months. 


  1. https://www.cdc.gov/cancer/dcpc/prevention/policies_practices/physical_activity/guidelines.htm
  2. https://www.webmd.com/diet/features/6-reasons-to-drink-water#1
  3. https://www.pivot.com/Learning-Center/Pivot-Blog/Post/3403/January-is-National-Family-Fit-Lifestyle-Month
  4. https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC3649719/